Choosing a Medical Malpractice Attorney

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Clients should consider several factors when choosing a medical malpractice attorney to handle their case. Because these claims are often very complicated and take time to prosecute, the length of your relationship with this lawyer and their law firm can span a year or more. The law firm you choose to handle your medical malpractice claim should be reliable and have the resources to provide you and your family with excellent service from start to finish. Below are a few suggestions to remember as you interview and vet medical malpractice lawyers to handle your case.


Medical malpractice is a specialized area of the law. The statutory scheme for medical malpractice in Florida, codified under Chapter 766, requires a significant number of steps and procedures before a lawsuit can even be filed. In order to ensure that this investigation is completed timely and accurately, you will want to choose a lawyer who is experienced in medical malpractice and can bring a claim to the finish line even if that requires trial by jury. Jay Cohen has been working exclusively in this area of the law for over twenty years. His knowledge of medical malpractice law and results are why lawyers in the community and outside of Florida refer their important cases to Cohen & Blostein, PA.

The statutory requirements for filing a medical malpractice case include completing an investigation to determine that there are grounds for a good faith belief that there has been negligence in the care or treatment of the claimant. As part of this investigation, the lawyer is required to obtain opinions from medical experts in the specific area of medicine related to the negligence. Sometimes, multiple expert opinions are required. Jay Cohen has established a network of medical experts with whom he consults in order to complete this pre-suit investigation prior to filing any medical malpractice lawsuits. These experts are highly credentialed and provide him with a wealth of additional knowledge about the medicine that is specifically involved in each of his client’s claims. Because the filing of medical malpractice claims is a very elaborate process, you will want to choose a lawyer with significant experience, who will be able to guide you through the process and answer whatever questions you have along the way.

Financial Capabilities

Pursuing medical malpractice claims is not only timely, but it is also extremely expensive. When choosing a medical malpractice law firm, you will want to keep in mind the financial burdens associated with pursuing these types of claims and make sure you are choosing a firm that can fund this type of litigation. At Cohen & Blostein, PA, our firm is used to taking on large financial burdens for our clients in the pursuit of justice and continues to do so.

Team Approach

Not only is it important to choose a lawyer with experience, but it is equally important to choose a law firm that has an entire team dedicated to serving its clients. Here at Cohen & Blostein, PA, many lawyers assist Jay Cohen in the pursuit of medical malpractice claims on behalf of our clients. In addition to these lawyers, Cohen & Blostein also has several nurse paralegals who assist in investigating our client’s claims.

A Fearless Firm

Choosing a firm who is prepared to handle intense litigation is an important consideration when selecting a medical malpractice firm to handle your case. Although many cases get resolved earlier on in litigation, sometimes (and for a variety of reasons) a trial is required to resolve the parties’ differences. When selecting a medical malpractice law firm, consider the amount of trial experience the law firm has. No one can predict the future, and the last thing you want is to be in a situation where a trial is required and the lawyer handling your case doesn’t have the trial experience. Jay Cohen is an experienced trial attorney who is always willing to fight for his clients in order to provide them the maximum value for their cases without sacrificing fair opportunities to settle cases. Jay has been honored to receive numerous trial lawyer of the year awards by different trial organizations. Choosing a lawyer who has your best interests in mind cannot be understated, and when you chose a capable firm to represent you, that alone enhances your chances at resolution and a better outcome.

We hope you never need our services, but if you or a loved one have been seriously injured, this is what we do. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you determine if you have a claim for medical malpractice.


This article was written by attorneys at Cohen & Blostein and first published in Best Lawyers® Legal Insights in May, 2024. While we hope you find the general information in this post helpful, please understand that it is not legal advice, and you should not act or refrain from acting based solely on information provided on our website.